To enhance perfect sexual desire and performance.
The overall benefits for using Perfect Male:
Increases the Testosterone secretion and sperm production.
Prolongs the duration fo coitus and post coitus freshness.
Dramatically increases sexual function and libido.
Improves the blood flow in the penile tissue.
Strengthens and tones the sexual glands.
Increase sexual attraction.
Strengthens nervous system.
Ensures pleasant orgasm.
Helps retentive power.

Harmless sexual tablet to increase libido

Each table contains:

Korean Ginseng

200 mg


25 mg


15 mg

Damiana Extract

150 mg


125 mg

Pantothenic Acid

50 mg

Saw Palmetto

300 mg


50 mg

Vitamin B-6

12.5 mg

Gotu Kola



5 mg

Vitamin B-12

50 mcg

Sarsaparilla Root

50 mg

Prostate Substance

50 mg

Vitamin E

75 I.U.

Yohimbe Bark

300 mg

Orchic Substance

50 mg


5 mg

Bee pollen

25 mg

Oyster Extracts

5 mg

Zinc (Oxide)

15 mg


Korean Ginseng used for invigoration and fortification in times of fatigue and debility and for declining capacity to work and concentrate, Ginseng also supports immune system strength and boost energy and endurance. It preserves the ability of human body and regulates the activity of the central nervous system. Damiana is used for strengthening the nervous system and hormonal system. It improves sexual function, specifically where sexual weakness is associated with nervousness and depression.

Yohimbe bark with yohimbin (the active compound) is one of the most popular herbs to support men’s libido. Yohimbe dilates blood vessels this assisting blood flow to the sex organ. Yohimbe not only promotes male potency, vitality and energy but may also elevate mood, reduce anxiety. It enhances sexual desire and performance. Today it is mostly use to treat importance for men.

Saw Palmetto is beneficial for the reproductive organs, working as an aphrodisiac. It is used to support a healthy man’s prostate & urinary system. In Germany it is used to treat BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia). It is also prevent binding of DHT to androgen receptors.

Bee Pollen is rich in vitamins, especially Vitamins B12 and E; the others are B1, B2,B3, B5, C and vitamins D. It also contains lipids, free amino acids, carbohydrates and mineral including calcium, manganese, iron, phosphorous, sodium copper, potassium, magnesium etc. It has been used to promote energy, stamina, strength and endurance. Bee Pollen helps balance the endocrine system, showing especially beneficial results in prostate problem.

Octacosanol is the active ingredient in wheat grem oil. It is used to increase endurance, stamina & vigor. It enhances physical performance, reaction time and overall energy levels. It is also increase oxygen utilization during exercise or workouts.

Goutukola is used as a blood purifier and memory enhance. It can be used for overall brain and nervous system support. It may also support the endocrine system which may lead increased vitality.

Prostate & Orchic Substance provide specific nutritional support for the prostate gland, infertility, impotence and prostate problems are minimized when these glands are healthy.

Oyster extract is a good source of natural zinc for men’s reproductive health. It has been used as an aphrodisiac to enhance men’s reproductive power.

Sarsaparilla is use as a natural steroid for the production of testosterone. It may be safety used when a boost to the male sex hormone is required. It is known as a wonderful tonic for debilitaiting conditions of the male reproductive system. It is also known muscle building hormone.

Cayenne is rich in Vitamin A, C, Iron, Calcium and Postasium. It is a blood-red warming herb that has an invigorating effect on several body systems. It regulated the blood pressure and aids the blood circulation. It is a major heart and circulatory stimulant.

L-carnitine is a vitamin like compound that transport fatty acids into mitochondria. It may have certain anti-aging properties and support the beneficial effect on sperm motility.

L-histidine is an essential amino acid for all humans. It can convert to histamine, which is a major neurotransmitter in brain 7 throughout parts of nervous system. It is essential for tissue growth & repair. It is important for red blood cell health.

Dosage: 1 tablets twice daily or as directed by the physician.

Side Effect: No significant side effect has been observed.

Contra indication: There is no known contra indication.

Presentation: 60 Tablets bottle.