Vitamin D Deficiency
A symptom would be aches and pains in the joints and bones. More serious conditions such as muscle weakness and abnormal bone formation can occur, for example:

Children with a service deficiency may have a soft skull or leg bones.

A lack of vitamin D can affect children growth and height.

Children with low vitamin D levels may be late teething as the development of the milk teeth can be affected.

Children with low vitamin D are often more prone to infections.

How to take DaliVit D3
The product features a dispensing pump which delivers the precise dosage. Unscrew the cap. Remove the tamper ring and then attach the dispensing pump. DaliVit D3 can be added to food, a drink or taken from a spoon.

Daily Dose
1 month – 5 years: 1 depression (to the limit) of the dispensing pump orally once daily.

5+ years: 2 depressions (to the limit) of the dispensing pump orally once daily or as directed by a healthcare professional.

One 28 ml bottle of DaliVit D3 provides 100-200 days supply. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Vitamin D helps to maintain the normal growth and development of bones and teeth. A food supplement is not a substitute for a varied and healthy diet.