Increase testosterone and estrogen hormones.
Premature ovarian aging.
Enhance fertility in women.
Significantly improve erectile function.
Supporting the immune system.
Andropause and Menopause.
Prevents osteoporosis.
Anti aging property.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Supports a positive mood and enhance memory. Reduce the risk of heart disease & lower cholesterol levels.

Bio-Dhea 25 mg Capsul
Dehydroepiandrosterone(DHEA) is a naturally occurring hormone found in  the body. DHEA is produced in the adrenal glands-located on top of the kidneys, gonads, brain, skin, testiclers and ovaries. DHEA is precursor for our bodys natural synthesis of as many as 18 others hormones in the body, such as estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, cortisone and others. Wonen make less DHEA than men, but in both sexes DHEA production declines dramatically  with age. DHEA levels at age 70 are 80% lower than they were at age 30.

Aging Biomarker
Bio-DHEA(DHEA) is considered a key biomarker in determining biological age as it cycles on a life scale in both sexes. It is the only hormone that peaks early in life and starts to fall singnificantly thereafter. The clear drop in men past forty is in sharp contrast to testosterone, which declines noticeably in men only after age sixty. Based upon the foregoing, it has been suggested that supplementation with DHEA for those individuals 40 and older, bringing their levels back to those of youth, could extend longivity  and improve the quality of life . DHEA supplementation hs been recommended for restoring youthful vigor and helping to enhance energy and intimacy. DHEA contains the highest quality of this hormonal precursor available in supplement form. Since levels of DHEA decrease, as people get older, some researches belive that restoring DHEA to higher levels may delay some of the effects of aging.

Bio-DHEA(DHEA) can significanty improve erectile function. DHEA may influence women more strongly than men where sexual desire is concerned. DHEA does boost sex drive, especially in those who have low DHEA’s levels. One study presented in a prospective on the treatment of erectile dysfunction using DHEA, including that supplementing with DHEA might inprove erectile dysfunction in some men. Study participants were given 50 mg of DHEA taken daily for six months. The benefits from DHEA supplements improved sense of well being more alertness and stamina and enhanced sexual interest and libido. Women who have low DHEA levels usually have low sex drive . DHEA enhances testosterone hormone in male and estrogen hormone in female.

Postmenopausal women are particularly dependent on the peripheral conversion of precursor hormones  for their supply of essential sex sterolds. Because DHEA production dramaticallu drops with age with a profound drop in women at menopause, women’s peripheral tissue may suffer the ettects of hormone deficiency especially acutely, unless replacement is provided. Even more important, there is a significant drop in beta-endorphins after menopause , with consequent in the sense of well being.

In surgical menopause with the removal of the uterus and overles, osteoporosis can occur within two years. After four years, over 60% of women demonstrate osteoporosis because of estrogen deprivation. DHEA therby has the potential to Influence stronger bone formation, especially in postmenopausal women.

There are many autoimmune conditions of which sustemic ,lupus erythematosus(SLE) is four times as common in women as in men, Symptoms include painful swollen joints, skin rash and mouth ulcers, DHEA shows primise as a new therapeutic agent for the treatment of mind to moderate SLE. DHEA therapy could benefils other auto-immunity diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.
Immune System
A study was conducted of nine healthy men with an average age of 64 years. Each was given 50 mg of DHEA for 20 weeks at which time it was found that DHEA therapy had significantly elevated natural killer cells that fight infections. DHEA has been found to be beneficial as a supplement in older individuals by improving the immune system.

Brain Enhancement
Bio-DHEA(DHEA) supplementation resulted is an increase in perceived physical and psychological well-being for both men and women. The subjects reported increased energy, a better mood and an improved ability to deal with stressful situations. DHEA has also been found to have a positive effect on memory. When 200 mg of DHEA was administered to subjects an hour before bed, there was a significant increase In recorded REM(dream) sleep for two hours afterward. Dreams are thought to memory consolidation.

Bio-DHEA(DHEA) may be popular choice for popular choice with fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a syndrome marked by widespread aches and pains, fatigue and sleep problems, among others symptoms. There are no medications specifically approved for the condition. Instead, medical treatment usually involved a combination of approaches, such as painkillers, antidepressants and exercise theraphy. DHEA at 50 mg a day for 3 months was given to 52 women, mostly in their 50s and 60s, who had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

As humans age, the tissue develop a resistance to insulin and the glucose remains in the blood at a higher level. In a recent study 50 mg of DHEA was given daily for three weeks to 11 postmenopausal women. The levels of triglycerides declined and DHEA enhanced tissue insulin sensitivity. DHEA replacement may help attenuate age-related increases in insulin reisistance. It appears probable that DHEA has positive effect in type II adult onset diabetes.

Heart Disease (CVD)
Some reports suggest that DHEA may reduce the risk of heart disease and lower cholesterol levels. Some researches concluded that DHEA’S levels are inversely related to premature myocardial infarction in males and that this association is independent of the effects of several  known risk factors for premature myocardial infraction. Clinical studies suggesting that DHEA may play an important role in the pathogenesis of coronary disease. Clinical studies thus far confirm that high DHEA(S) levels are protective of heart.

Dosage & Directions:
Generally: For mature adults take one capsule by mouth in the morning.
Men 40 to 55: Take one capsule daily with food on a consistent basis.
Men over 55: Take two capsule daily with food on a consistent basis.
Women over 40 or on contraceptives: Take one capsule daily with food on a consistent basis.
Women in post menopause or surgical menopause: Take two capsules daily with food on a consistent basis.

Patients with low DHEA: Take two to three capsule daily until normal DEHA level has been achieved, then reduce dosage to one capsule or follow age guidelines above.
Contraindications & Precautions:  Not for use by individuals under the age of 25 years.
In pregnancy or lactation: Do not use Bio-DHEA in pregnancy or lactating women.
Presentation: 60 capsules bottle.